stuck on saturday

stuck on saturday

I used to write a blog called stuck on saturday

I didn’t really know what saturday meant until my brother-in-law passed of cancer at age 33

All of us have hopes and dreams and those we share them with

Imagine one day, a good friday per se, all of those hopes and dreams are crushed, crucified

And you wake up on saturday with your hopes and dreams gone, everything, gone

In the story of Jesus, we know, on sunday, there is Resurrection

But for some, they live on saturday

With lost dreams, lost hopes, painful deaths of loved ones

Easter isn’t just about death and resurrection

We can’t forget about Saturday

The day in between

The day full of grief, lament, heartache, questions

I used to live life searching for answers, maybe even attempting a resurrection of my own doing 

But over time, I found life to be more conducive to questions

To find peace in the unknowing, in the questions unanswered, in the space in between, saturday

a page

a page

everyone is welcome

everyone is welcome