

“Our growth usually happens through disruptions.” – Rob Bell

The truth of this statement can hurt.

Life is tricky and complicated.

It’s often the most unwanted things in life that spur the most growth.

An illness at 15 years old redirected my life.

The death of my 33-year-old brother-in-law redirected my faith. 

And too many losses to count in the last 5 years that are sending me on a quest to regain footing and purpose.   

But the thing is, as unwanted as each loss, each change has been, with perspective… a new path is charted, often with an enlarged heart and a better understanding of grace and empathy.

Disruptions aren’t necessarily negative.  They are change and they are opportunities for growth, perspective, and a more gracious understanding of the world and those around us. 

People & Stuff

People & Stuff

thank you

thank you