

Have you ever been so destination oriented that you missed out on the journey?

When I moved from Virginia to Oregon, my sister and I drove 14 hours a day, determined to get to the final destination as quickly as possible.  Once we arrived, I thought, “I really wish we would have taken some time to explore the beauty along the way.”

And now, when I take a road trip, any time I see a brown sign (National Site / Cultural Interest), I pull over every. single. time. 

I’ve learned to slow down.  To take detours.  To go off road.  The destination isn’t going to change.  But the journey is what you make it. 

“Most men pursue pleasure with such breathless haste that they hurry past it.”​
Søren Kierkegaard​

The Way You Feel

The Way You Feel

The Hardest Part Is…

The Hardest Part Is…